Due to the implementation of the new Curriculum for Wales, starting in schools from September 2022, we have worked for several years to evaluate our current curriculum, trial new approaches and design a curriculum suitable for the pupils at Ysgol Carreg Hir. While designing our curriculum it was important that it encompasses all the mandatory elements set out in the Curriculum for Wales document ( online at Hwb.gov.uk) Our curriculum is designed to enabled learners to develop in the ways set out by the four purposes, be progressive and appropriate for pupils of all ages, abilities and aptitudes.
When planning and organising our curriculum it was important for us that all stakeholders had a voice. Staff looked at what was currently being provided and were asked to focus on the aspects they felt were most important for our pupils to learn in an ever evolving modern world. Parents were sent questionnaires, allowing them their opinion on what or how pupils were taught. Following that, all pupils were spoken to about their views on our current curriculum and what they felt needed to change and what needed to stay the same. From this a curriculum vision was created and work began on the curriculum design, this has been helped by establishing a pupil curriculum committee.
When designing our curriculum we focussed on the why question – why we wanted to keep aspects of our previous curriculum and why we wanted to make changes. Our emphasis was to make learning purposeful for pupils by creating relevant, authentic rich tasks. Hook days are currently used at the start of a half term topic to engage pupils, offer them experiences and involve them in planning out solutions to problems. These problems, link to their rich task in Year 3-6. As our curriculum is purpose driven, we monitored the core purposes and then identified areas in which pupils needed more work. As a result, medium term planning begins with a core purpose focus, this is specific and unique to the classes. For example, if a class is generally shy or quiet then they may focus on developing their skills to participate in a performance. Another consideration for us when planning learning experiences was to ensure there was depth of learning, therefore each topic now has one main area of learning experience (AOLE). Often links are made with a secondary AOLE to provide pupils with breadth of learning along with depth.
The statements of what matters are planned so that pupils have learning opportunities in each progression step. This allows prior knowledge to be built upon and a greater depth of understanding to develop. Within Early Years and Year One and Two pupils follow a topic approach where all areas of learning experiences (AOLEs) link to their half termly topic. From Year Three to Six, pupils are taught discrete language and maths skills in morning lessons. Some maths concepts have been grouped to allow for clear depth of learning and others are taught regularly to help develop pupil’s progression within a skill. Afternoon topic lessons provide pupils with the skills and knowledge needed to complete their rich tasks. Rich tasks are purposeful and authentic with a clear audience allowing pupils to apply the skills and knowledge they have learned during the topic. The rich task needs to have a clear audience with an end goal / product / outcome. They also provide pupils with opportunities to develop their integral and interpersonal skills. Assessment and pupil progression is an essential part of our curriculum and is embedded in daily practice, staff provide feedback to children about what they have done well and what they need to improve upon.
Staff and Governors at Carreg Hir Primary School are committed to ensuring a shared understanding of progression amongst all stakeholders through regular consultation and review of the curriculum we deliver, therefore feeding into our curriculum and assessment design, planning and self-evaluation and improvement process.
Curriculum development began in 2020 and is constantly being reviewed, revised and revisited to ensure that it offers the best learning opportunities for our pupils. This will continue to be reviewed as we move across to the Curriculum for Wales.